DS1411|DS1411-009|DS1411-S09 - 串口iButton托架 - iButton器件 - Maxim美信半导体高性能芯片品质 - 美信半导体
The DS1411 is a sophisticated RS-232-to-1-Wire® adapter and iButton holder that performs RS-232-level conversion and actively generates the 1-Wire communication signals. Together with an adequate software driver, it enables a Windows®-based PC to directly read all and write any non-EPROM iButton devices. The DS1411 has a DS9098P retainer for a single F5 MicroCan. For a list of suitable 1-Wire network cables, e.g., to connect multiple iButtons, refer to the Connectivity Matrix table in the DS1402x 1-Wire network cables data sheet. 1-Wire communication is supported by the adapter for standard speed as well as overdrive speed. The serial port must support a data transmission rate of 9600 bits/s. Under software control, the adapter can be set up for RS-232 data rates of 19200bps, 57600bps, and 115200bps. The two higher rates are recommended for communication at overdrive speed with overdrive capable devices. Since the DS1411 operates in a byte mode, every data byte received from the RS-232 port generates eight time slots on the 1-Wire bus. The DS1411 is based on the DS2480B serial 1-Wire line driver chip. The RXD/TXD polarity select input of the DS2480B is connected to VDD (noninverting). Free software drivers can be downloaded from www.maximintegrated.com/1-Wiredrivers.