DS1807 - 可编址、双路音量调节电位器 - 光电产品 - Maxim美信半导体高性能芯片品质 - 美信半导体
The DS1807 consists of two addressable potentiometers having a logarithmic resistor characteristic over the device range. Each potentiometer provides 64 wiper positions with a 1dB-per-step resolution. The device also provides greater than 90dB of attenuation in the mute position. Zero-crossing detection is a primary feature of the DS1807 allowing for pop-free wiper transitions. Wiper positions are read and controlled via a 2-wire interface, which allows up to 8 devices to be controlled on the same 2-wire bus.
The DS1802 provides high-performance audio volume and tone control with processor addressability. It replaces mechanical potentiometers with digital accuracy and reliability while its low-power circuits consume very little current.