MAX1259 - 电池管理器 - 监控电路、电压监测、排序 - Maxim美信半导体高性能芯片品质 - 美信半导体
The MAX1259 battery manager provides backup-batteryswitching for CMOS RAM, microprocessors, or otherlow-power logic ICs. It automatically switches to thebackup battery when the primary power supply is interrupted.Low-loss switches guarantee an input-to-outputdifferential of only 200mV while supplying 250mA fromthe primary power supply or 15mA from the battery.
Battery discharge during shipping does not occur in theMAX1259, since the backup battery can be disconnectedby strobing the RST input.
A battery-fail output signal indicates when the backupbattery is below +2V, and a power-fail output signal indicateswhen the primary power supply is low. TheMAX1259 monitors the backup battery, warns ofimpending power failures, and switches the memory tothe battery when failures occur. The MAX1259 is pin-compatiblewith the DS1259, but consumes three timesless supply current. Commercial, extended, and militarytemperature range devices are available.