MAX1607 - USB限流开关,采用引脚兼容封装 - USB产品 - 单通道USB限流开关,带有故障屏蔽 - 美信半导体
The MAX1607 is a current-limited 60mΩ switch withbuilt-in fault blanking. Its accurate, preset 0.7A to 1.0Acurrent limit makes it ideal for USB applications. Its lowquiescent supply current (14µA) and standby current(1µA) conserve battery power in portable applications.The MAX1607 operates with inputs from +2.7V to+5.5V, making it ideal for both 3V and 5V systems.
An overcurrent signal (active-low OC) notifies the microprocessorthat the internal current limit has been reached. A 10msovercurrent-blanking feature allows momentary faults(such as those caused when hot-swapping into acapacitive load) to be ignored, thus preventing falsealarms to the host system. This blanking also preventsan active-low OC signal from being issued when the device ispowering up.
The MAX1607 has several safety features to ensure thatthe USB port is protected. Built-in thermal-overload protectionlimits power dissipation and junction temperature.The device also has accurate internal current-limitingcircuitry to protect the input supply againstoverload.
The MAX1607 is a pin-compatible upgrade to TexasInstruments' TPS2014, TPS2015, and TPS2041 for USBapplications. The same die is available in a space-saving10-pin µMAX® package (MAX1693) and can be usedfor next-generation designs. The MAX1694 is similar tothe MAX1693, but it has a built-in latch that turns offthe power switch in case of a long-term short-circuitcondition.
The MAX1607 is also offered in a 10-pin TDFN package(not pin compatible with Texas Instruments TPS2014,TPS2015, and TPS2041 for USB applications).