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MAX1673 - 典型电路框图:
Maxim产品 - MAX1673介绍
MAX1673 - 稳压型、125mA输出、电荷泵DC-DC反相器


MAX1673 - 稳压型、125mA输出、电荷泵DC-DC反相器 - 电荷泵 - 灵活的控制结构—固定频率或低静态电流模式 - 美信半导体


The MAX1673 charge-pump inverter provides a low-cost, compact means of generating a regulated negative output from a positive input at up to 125mA. It requires only three small capacitors, and only two resistors to set its output voltage. The input range is 2V to 5.5V. The regulated output can be set from 0V to -VIN in Skip regulation mode or -1.5V to -VIN in Linear (LIN) regulation mode.

In Skip mode, the MAX1673 regulates by varying its switching frequency as a function of load current. This On-Demand™ switching gives the MAX1673 two advantages: very small capacitors and very low quiescent supply current. At heavy loads, it transfers energy from the input to the output by switching at up to 350kHz. It switches more slowly at light loads, using only 35µA quiescent supply current.

In Linear mode, the MAX1673 switches at a constant 350kHz at all loads and regulates by controlling the current-path resistance. This provides constant-frequency ripple, which is easily filtered for low-noise applications.

This device also features a 1µA logic-controlled shutdown mode and is available in a standard 8-pin SO package. For a device that delivers about 10mA and fits in a smaller package, refer to the MAX868.

  • 以下关键特性由Maxim美信半导体提供:
  • Regulated Negative Output Voltage (up to -1 x VIN)
  • 125mA Output Current
  • 35µA Quiescent Supply Current (Skip-mode regulation)
  • 350kHz Fixed-Frequency, Low-Noise Output (Linear-mode regulation)
  • 2V to 5.5V Input Range
  • 1µA Logic-Controlled Shutdown
  • 热门应用
  • 模拟信号处理
  • 便携式摄像机
  • 数码相机
  • 硬盘驱动器
  • 测量仪表
  • 调制解调器
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