MAX1772 - 低成本、多种化学类型电池充电器电路 - 电池管理 - 精度为0.7%的输入限流、多化学类型电池充电器,提供完备的解决方案 - 美信半导体
The MAX1772 is a highly-integrated, multichemistrybattery-charger control IC that simplifies the constructionof accurate and efficient chargers. The MAX1772uses analog inputs to control charge current and voltageand can be programmed by the host or hardwired.High efficiency is achieved by a buck topology withsynchronous rectification.
Maximum current drawn from the AC adapter is programmableto avoid overloading the AC adapter whensupplying the load and the battery charger simultaneously.This enables the user to reduce the cost of theAC adapter. The MAX1772 provides outputs that canbe used to monitor the current drawn from the ACadapter, battery-charging current, and the presence ofan AC adapter.
The MAX1772 can charge two to four lithium-ion (Li+)series cells, easily providing 4A. When charging, theMAX1772 automatically transitions from regulating currentto regulating voltage. It is available in a space-saving28-pin QSOP package.