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Maxim产品 - MAX199介绍
MAX199 - 8通道、多量程、5V、12位DAS,8+4总线接口和故障保护


MAX199 - 8通道、多量程、5V、12位DAS,8+4总线接口和故障保护 - 数据转换器和采样-保持电路 - ±17V故障保护ADC,可通过软件选择输入量程 - 美信半导体


The MAX199 multi-range, 12-bit data-acquisition system(DAS) requires only a single +5V supply for operation,and converts analog signals up to ±4V at its inputs. Thissystem provides eight analog input channels that areindependently software programmable for a variety ofranges: ±VREF, ±VREF/2, 0V to VREF, or 0V to VREF/2.This increases effective dynamic range to 14 bits, andprovides the user flexibility to interface 4mA-to-20mA,±12V, and ±15V powered sensors to a single +5V system.In addition, the converter is fault-protected to±16.5V; a fault condition on any channel will not affectthe conversion result of the selected channel. Other featuresinclude a 5MHz bandwidth track/hold, 100kspsthroughput rate, internal/external clock, internal/externalacquisition control, 8+4 parallel interface, and operationwith an internal 4.096V or external reference.

A hardware active-low SHDN pin and two programmable power-downmodes (STBYPD, FULLPD) provide low-currentshutdown between conversions. In STBYPD mode, thereference buffer remains active, eliminating start-updelays.

The MAX199 employs a standard microprocessor (µP)interface. Its three-state data I/O interface is configuredto operate with 8-bit data buses, and data-access andbus-release timing specifications are compatible withmost popular µPs. All logic inputs and outputs areTTL/CMOS compatible.

The MAX199 is available in 28-pin DIP, wide SO, SSOP,and ceramic SB packages.

For a different combination of input ranges (±10V, ±5V,0V to 10V, 0V to 5V), see the MAX197 data sheet. For 12-bit bus interfaces, see the MAX196/MAX198 data sheet.

  • 以下关键特性由Maxim美信半导体提供:
  • 12-Bit Resolution, 1/2LSB Linearity
  • Single +5V Operation
  • Software-Selectable Input Ranges:
  • ±VREF, ±VREF/2, 0V to VREF, 0V to VREF/2
  • Internal 4.096V or External Reference
  • Fault-Protected Input Multiplexer (±16.5V)
  • 8 Analog Input Channels
  • 6µs Conversion Time, 100ksps Sampling Rate
  • Internal or External Acquisition Control
  • Two Power-Down Modes
  • Internal or External Clock
  • 热门应用
  • 自动测试系统
  • 数据采集系统
  • 工业控制系统
  • 医疗仪器
  • 机器人技术
  • 电信
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