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Maxim产品 - MAX2601介绍
MAX2601 - 3.6V、1W RF功率晶体管,适合900MHz应用

MAX2601是Maxim美信半导体公司的一款无线与RF产品,MAX2601是3.6V、1W RF功率晶体管,适合900MHz应用,本站介绍了MAX2601的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与MAX2601相关的Maxim元器件型号供参考。

MAX2601 - 3.6V、1W RF功率晶体管,适合900MHz应用 - 无线与RF - Maxim美信半导体高性能芯片品质 - 美信半导体


The MAX2601/MAX2602 are RF power transistors optimized for use in portable cellular and wireless equipment that operates from three NiCd/NiMH cells or one Li-Ion cell. These transistors deliver 1W of RF power from a 3.6V supply with efficiency of 58% when biased for constant-envelope applications (e.g., FM or FSK). For NADC (IS-54) operation, they deliver 29dBm with -28dBc ACPR from a 4.8V supply.

The MAX2601 is a high-performance silicon bipolar RF power transistor. The MAX2602 includes a high-performance silicon bipolar RF power transistor, and a biasing diode that matches the thermal and process characteristics of the power transistor. This diode is used to create a bias network that accurately controls the power transistor’s collector current as the temperature changes.

The MAX2601/MAX2602 can be used as the final stage in a discrete or module power amplifier. Silicon bipolar technology eliminates the need for voltage inverters and sequencing circuitry, as required by GaAsFET power amplifiers. Furthermore, a drain switch is not required to turn off the MAX2601/MAX2602. This increases operating time in two ways: it allows lower system end-of-life battery voltage, and it eliminates the wasted power from a drain-switch device.

The MAX2601/MAX2602 are available in thermally enhanced, 8-pin SO packages, which are screened to the extended temperature range (-40°C to +85°C).

  • 以下关键特性由Maxim美信半导体提供:
  • Low Voltage: Operates from 1 Li-Ion or 3 NiCd/NiMH Batteries
  • DC-to-Microwave Operating Range
  • 1W Output Power at 900MHz
  • On-Chip Diode for Accurate Biasing (MAX2602)
  • Low-Cost Silicon Bipolar Technology
  • Does Not Require Negative Bias or Supply Switch
  • High Efficiency: 58%
  • 热门应用
  • 915MHz ISM发送器
  • AMPS蜂窝电话
  • CDPD调制解调器
  • 数字蜂窝电话
  • 陆地移动无线装置
  • 微蜂窝GSM (5类功率)
  • 窄带PCS (NPCS)
  • 双向寻呼
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  • 节约时间成本,提高采购效率,Maxim官网授权代理
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