MAX3800 - 3.2Gbps自适应均衡器及电缆驱动器 - 高速互联(差分信号链路) - 业内首款3.2Gbps自适应电缆均衡器/驱动器 - 美信半导体
The MAX3800 is a +3.3V adaptive cable equalizer andcable driver implemented together on a single chip. It isdesigned for coaxial and twin-axial cable point-to-pointcommunications applications. The driver features differentialcurrent-mode logic (CML) inputs and outputs aswell as adjustable output amplitude. The equalizerincludes differential CML data inputs and outputs, aloss-of-signal (active-low LOS) output, and a cable integrity monitor(CIM) output.
The adaptive cable equalizer is capable of equalizingdifferential or single-ended signals at data rates up to3.2Gbps. It automatically adjusts to attenuation causedby skin-effect losses of up to 30dB at 1.6GHz. Theequalizer effectively extends the usable length of coppercable in high-frequency interconnect applications.
The MAX3800 is available in a 32-pin TQFP packagewith exposed pad and consumes only 200mW at+3.3V. The driver can be disconnected from the powersupply when it is not needed, resulting in a 40% reductionin supply current.