MAX4166 - 高输出驱动、精密的低功耗、单电源、满摆幅输入/输出运算放大器,带有关断
MAX4166 - 高输出驱动、精密的低功耗、单电源、满摆幅输入/输出运算放大器,带有关断 - 放大器 - Maxim美信半导体高性能芯片品质 - 美信半导体
The MAX4165-MAX4169 family of operational amplifierscombines excellent DC accuracy with high output currentdrive, single-supply operation, and rail-to-rail inputs andoutputs. These devices operate from a single +2.7V to+6.5V supply, or from dual ±1.35V to ±3.25V supplies.They typically draw 1.2mA supply current, and are guaranteedto deliver 80mA output current.
The MAX4166/MAX4168 have a shutdown mode thatreduces supply current to 38µA per amplifier andplaces the outputs into a high-impedance state. TheMAX4165-MAX4169's precision performance combinedwith high output current, wide input/outputdynamic range, single-supply operation, and low powerconsumption makes them ideal for portable audioapplications and other low-voltage, battery-poweredsystems. The MAX4165 is available in the space-saving5-pin SOT23 package and the MAX4166 is available ina tiny 2mm x 2mm x 0.8mm µDFN package.
以下关键特性由Maxim美信半导体提供:80mA (min) Output Drive CapabilityRail-to-Rail Input Common-Mode Voltage RangeRail-to-Rail Output Voltage Swing1.2mA Supply Current per Amplifier+2.7V to +6.5V Single-Supply Operation5MHz Gain-Bandwidth Product250µV Offset Voltage120dB Voltage Gain (RL = 100kΩ)88dB Power-Supply Rejection RatioNo Phase Reversal for Overdriven InputsUnity-Gain Stable for Capacitive Loads to 250pFLow-Power Shutdown Mode:Reduces Supply Current to 38µA PlacesOutputs in High-Impedance StateAvailable in 5-Pin SOT23 Package (MAX4165) or2mm x 2mm x 0.8mm µDFN (MAX4166)热门应用
DS4625 - 3.3V双输出LVPECL时钟振荡器71M6513|71M6513H - 3相电表ICMAX1870A - 升/降压型Li+电池充电器MAX4505 - 故障保护、高电压、信号线路保护器MAX3945 - 1.0625Gbps至11.3Gbps、SFP+双通道限幅放大器MAX19985 - 双通道、SiGe、高线性度、高增益、700MHz至1000MHz下变频混频器,带有LO缓冲器/开关DS1805 - 可编址数字电位器MAX2021 - 高动态范围、直接上/下变频转换器,提供750MHz至1200MHz正交调制/解调MAX4639 - 3.5Ω、单路8:1及双路4:1、低电压模拟多路复用器MAX127A|MAX127B - 多量程、+5V、12位DAS,带有2线串行接口