MAX4509 - 故障保护、高电压、单8选1/双4选1多路复用器,带有输出箝位 - 保护器 - Maxim美信半导体高性能芯片品质 - 美信半导体
The MAX4508/MAX4509 are 8-to-1 and dual 4-to-1 fault-protected multiplexers that are pin compatible with the industry-standard DG508/DG509. The MAX4508/MAX4509 operate with dual supplies of ±4.5V to ±20V or a single supply of +9V to +36V. These multiplexers feature fault-protected inputs, rail-to-rail signal handling capability, and overvoltage clamping at 150mV beyond the rails.
Both parts offer ±40V overvoltage protection with supplies off and ±25V protection with supplies on. On-resistance is 400Ω max and is matched between channels to 15Ω max. All digital inputs have TTL logic thresholds, ensuring both TTL and CMOS logic compatibility when using a single +12V supply or dual ±15V supplies.
±25V Fault Protection with ±15V Supplies
+9V to +36V Single Supply