MAX5182 - 双路、10位、40MHz、电流/电压输出DAC,输出交替更新 - 数据转换器和采样-保持电路 - Maxim美信半导体高性能芯片品质 - 美信半导体
The MAX5182 is a dual, 10-bit, alternate-phase-update,current-output digital-to-analog converter (DAC)designed for superior performance in systems requiringanalog signal reconstruction with low distortion andlow-power operation. The MAX5185 provides equalspecifications, with on-chip output resistors for voltage-output operation. Both devices are designed for 10pV-sglitch operation, to reduce distortion and minimizeunwanted spurious signal components at the output. Anon-board +1.2V bandgap circuit provides a well-regulated,low-noise reference that can be disabled forexternal reference operation.
The MAX5182/MAX5185 are designed to provide a highlevel of signal integrity for the least amount of power dissipation. Both DACs operate from a +2.7V to +3.3V singlesupply. Additionally, these DACs have three modesof operation: normal, low-power standby, and completeshutdown. A full shutdown provides the lowest possiblepower dissipation with a maximum shutdown current of1µA. Fast wake-up time (0.5µs) from standby mode tofull DAC operation allows for power conservation byactivating the DACs only when required.
The MAX5182/MAX5185 are available in a 28-pin QSOPpackage and are specified for the extended (-40°C to+85°C) temperature range. For pin-compatible 8-bitversions, refer to the MAX5188/MAX5191 data sheet.