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MAX519 - 典型电路框图:
Maxim产品 - MAX519介绍
MAX519 - 2线接口、串行、8位DAC,满摆幅输出


MAX519 - 2线接口、串行、8位DAC,满摆幅输出 - 数据转换器和采样-保持电路 - 双路、串行、电压输出DAC,采用SO封装 - 美信半导体


The MAX517/MAX518/MAX519 are 8-bit voltage output digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with a simple 2-wire serial interface that allows communication between multiple devices. They operate from a single 5V supply and their internal precision buffers allow the DAC outputs to swing rail-to-rail.

The MAX517 is a single DAC and the MAX518/MAX519 are dual DACs. The MAX518 uses the supply voltage as the reference for both DACs. The MAX517 has a reference input for its single DAC and each of the MAX519's two DACs has its own reference input.

The MAX517/MAX518/MAX519 feature a serial interface and internal software protocol, allowing communication at data rates up to 400kbps. The interface, combined with the double-buffered input configuration, allows the DAC registers of the dual devices to be updated individually or simultaneously. In addition, the devices can be put into a low-power shutdown mode that reduces supply current to 4µA. Power-on reset ensures the DAC outputs are at 0V when power is initially applied.

The MAX517/MAX518 are available in space-saving 8-pin DIP and SO packages. The MAX519 comes in 16-pin DIP and SO packages.

  • 以下关键特性由Maxim美信半导体提供:
  • Single +5V Supply
  • Simple 2-Wire Serial Interface
  • I²C Compatible
  • Output Buffer Amplifiers Swing Rail-to-Rail
  • Space-Saving 8-pin DIP/SO Packages (MAX517/MAX518)
  • Reference Input Range Includes Both Supply Rails (MAX517/MAX519)
  • Power-On Reset Clears All Latches
  • 4µA Power-Down Mode
  • 热门应用
  • 自动测试设备(ATE)
  • 数字增益与失调控制
  • 工业过程控制
  • 元件数最少的模拟系统
  • 可编程衰减器
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