MAX6368H|MAX6368L|MAX6368P - SOT23封装、低功耗微处理器监控电路,带有备用电池控制器和片选控制
MAX6368H|MAX6368L|MAX6368P - SOT23封装、低功耗微处理器监控电路,带有备用电池控制器和片选控制 - 监控电路、电压监测、排序 - 业内唯一的SOT23 µP监控电路,带有电池备份切换和片选控制 - 美信半导体
The MAX6365–MAX6368 supervisory circuits simplify power-supply monitoring, battery-backup control functions, and memory write protection in microprocessor (µP) systems. The circuits significantly improve the size, accuracy, and reliability of modern systems with an ultra-small integrated solution.
These devices perform four basic system functions:
- Provide a µP reset output during VCC supply power-up, power-down, and brownout conditions.
- Internally control VCC to backup-battery switching to maintain data or low-power operation for CMOS RAM, CMOS µPs, real-time clocks, and other digital logic when the main supply fails.
- Provide memory write protection through internal chip-enable gating during supply or processor faults.
- Include one of the following options: a manual reset input (MAX6365), a watchdog timer function (MAX6366), a battery-on output (MAX6367), or an auxiliary user-adjustable reset input (MAX6368).
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