MAX662A - 12V、30mA闪存存储器编程电源 - 电荷泵 - 12V无电感、小外形闪存电源,封装在0.1平方英寸 - 美信半导体
The MAX662A is a regulated +12V, 30mA-output, charge-pumpDC-DC converter. It provides the necessary +12V±5% output to program byte-wide flash memories, andrequires no inductors to deliver a guaranteed 30mA outputfrom inputs as low as 4.75V. It fits into less than 0.1in²of board space. The MAX662A is a pin-compatibleupgrade to the MAX662, and is recommended for newdesigns. The MAX662A offers lower quiescent and shut-downcurrents, and guarantees the output current over alltemperature ranges.
The MAX662A is the first charge-pump boost converter toprovide a regulated +12V output. It requires only a fewinexpensive capacitors, and the entire circuit is completelysurface-mountable.
A logic-controlled shutdown pin that interfaces directlywith microprocessors reduces the supply current to only0.5µA. The MAX662A comes in 8-pin narrow SO and DIPpackages.
For higher-current flash memory programming solutions,refer to the data sheets for the MAX734 (120mA outputcurrent, guaranteed) and MAX732 (200mA output current,guaranteed) PWM, switch-mode DC-DC converters.
Or, refer to the MAX761 data sheet for a 150mA, PFMswitch-mode DC-DC converter that operates from inputsas low as 2V.