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Maxim产品 - MAX701介绍
MAX701 - 电源监测器,带有复位


MAX701 - 电源监测器,带有复位 - 监控电路、电压监测、排序 - 上电复位 + 手动复位 - 美信半导体


The MAX700/MAX701/MAX702 are supervisory circuitsused to monitor the power supplies in microprocessor(µP) and digital systems. The active-low RESET/RESET outputs ofthe MAX700/MAX701/MAX702 are guaranteed to be inthe correct state for VCC voltages down to +1V (Figure 4).They provide excellent circuit reliability and low cost byeliminating external components and adjustments whenused with +5V-powered circuits.

The MAX702 is the simplest part in the family. WhenVCC falls to 4.65V, active-low RESET goes low. The MAX702 alsoprovides a debounced manual reset input. TheMAX701 performs the same functions but has bothactive-low RESET and RESET outputs. Their primary function is toprovide a system reset. Accordingly, an active resetsignal is supplied for low supply voltages and for atleast 200ms after the supply voltage reaches its operatingvalue.

In addition to the features of the MAX701 and MAX702,the MAX700 provides preset or adjustable voltagedetection so thresholds other than 4.65V can be selected,and adjustable hysteresis. All parts are supplied in8-pin PDIP and Narrow SO packages in commercialand extended temperature ranges.

  • 以下关键特性由Maxim美信半导体提供:
  • Min 200ms Active-Low RESET Pulse on Power-Up, Power-Down, and During Low-Voltage Conditions
  • Reset Threshold Factory Trimmed for +5V Systems
  • No External Components or Adjustments with +5V-Powered Circuits
  • Debounced Manual Reset Input
  • Preset or Adjustable Voltage Detection (MAX700)
  • Adjustable Hysteresis (MAX700)
  • 8-Pin PDIP and Narrow SO Packages
  • 热门应用
  • 计算机
  • 控制器
  • 精确的µP电源监控
  • 智能仪表
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