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MAX849 - 典型电路框图:
Maxim产品 - MAX849介绍
MAX849 - 1节至3节电池、大功率、低噪声、升压型DC-DC转换器


MAX849 - 1节至3节电池、大功率、低噪声、升压型DC-DC转换器 - DC-DC开关调节器 - 集成2路ADC,提供精确的电池电压监测 - 美信半导体


The MAX848/MAX849 boost converters set a new standard of high efficiency and high integration for noise-sensitive power-supply applications, such as portable phones and small systems with RF data links. The heart of the these devices is a synchronous boost-topology regulator that generates a fixed 3.3V output (or 2.7V to 5.5V adjustable output) from one to three NiCd/NiMH cells or one Li-Ion cell.

Synchronous rectification provides a 5% efficiency improvement over similar nonsynchronous boost regulators. In standby mode, pulse-skipping PFM operation keeps the output voltage alive with only 150µW quiescent power consumption. Fixed-frequency PWM operation ensures that the switching noise spectrum is limited to the 300kHz fundamental and its harmonics, allowing easy post-filtering noise reduction. For even tighter noise spectrum control, synchronize to a 200kHz to 400kHz external clock.

Battery monitoring is provided by a two-channel, voltage-to-frequency analog-to-digital converter (ADC). One channel is intended for a single-cell battery input (0.625V to 1.875V range), while the other channel is for monitoring higher voltages (0V to 2.5V range).

Two control inputs are provided for push-on, push-off control via a momentary pushbutton switch. Upon power-up, an internal comparator monitors the output voltage to generate a power-good output (POK).

The devices differ only in the current limit of the N-channel MOSFET power switch: 0.8A for the MAX848, and 1.4A for the MAX849.

  • 以下关键特性由Maxim美信半导体提供:
  • Up to 95% Efficiency
  • 3.3V Dual Mode™ or 2.7V to 5.5V Adj. Output
  • 0.7V to 5.5V Input Range
  • 0.15mW Standby Mode
  • 300kHz PWM Mode or Synchronizable
  • Two-Channel ADC with Serial Output
  • Power-Good Function
  • 热门应用
  • 蜂窝电话
  • 数字无绳电话
  • 手持式仪表(PDA、掌上电脑)
  • 本地3.3V至5V转换电源
  • 掌上电脑
  • PCS电话
  • 个人通信装置
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