MAX876A|MAX876B - 低功耗、低漂移、+2.5V/+5V/+10V精密电压基准 - 电压基准 - Maxim美信半导体高性能芯片品质 - 美信半导体
The MAX873/MAX875/MAX876 precision 2.5V, 5V, and10V references offer excellent accuracy and very lowpower consumption. Extremely low temperature driftcombined with excellent line and load regulation permitstable operation over a wide range of electrical and environmentalconditions. Operation for the MAX873 is guaranteedwith a +4.5V supply, making the part ideal insystems running from a +5V ±10% supply. Low 10Hz to1kHz noise—typically 3.8µVRMS, 9µVRMS, and 18µVRMS, respectively, for the MAX873, MAX875, MAX876—make the parts suitable for 12-bit data-acquisition systems.
A TRIM pin facilitates adjustment of the reference voltageover a ±6% range, using only a 100kΩ potentiometer. Avoltage output proportional to temperature provides asource for temperature compensation circuits, temperaturewarning circuits, and other applications.