MAX977 - 单/双路、+3V/+5V双速度比较器,带有自动待机功能 - 放大器 - Maxim美信半导体高性能芯片品质 - 美信半导体
The MAX975/MAX977 single/dual comparators featurethree different operating modes, and are optimized for+3V and +5V single-supply applications. The operatingmodes are as follows: high speed, high speed withauto-standby, and low power. Propagation delay is 28nsin high-speed mode, while supply current is only 250µA.Supply current is reduced to 3µA in low-power mode.
The auto-standby feature allows the comparator toautomatically change from low-power mode to highspeedmode upon receipt of an input signal. In theabsence of an input signal, the comparator revertsback to low-power mode after an adjustable timeoutperiod. The timeout period for the MAX975 to enterstandby is set by a single capacitor. The dual MAX977features independently adjustable timeout periods foreach comparator using separate capacitors.
The MAX975/MAX977's inputs have a common-modevoltage range of -0.2V to (VCC - 1.2V). The differentialinput voltage range extends rail to rail. The outputs arecapable of rail-to-rail operation without external pull-upcircuitry, making these devices ideal for interface withCMOS/TTL logic. All inputs and outputs can tolerate acontinuous short-circuit fault condition to either rail. Thecomparator's internal hysteresis in high-speed modeensures clean output switching, even with slow-movinginput signals.
The single MAX975 is available in 8-pin SO and 8-pinµMAX® packages, while the dual MAX977 is availablein 14-pin SO and 16-pin QSOP packages.