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Maxim产品 - MAX991介绍
MAX991 - 高速、微功耗、低电压、SOT23封装、满摆幅输入/输出比较器


MAX991 - 高速、微功耗、低电压、SOT23封装、满摆幅输入/输出比较器 - 放大器 - Maxim美信半导体高性能芯片品质 - 美信半导体


The MAX987/MAX988/MAX991/MAX992/MAX995/MAX996 single/dual/quad micropower comparatorsfeature low-voltage operation and rail-to-rail inputs andoutputs. Their operating voltage ranges from +2.5V to+5.5V, making them ideal for both 3V and 5V systems.These comparators also operate with ±1.25V to ±2.75Vdual supplies. They consume only 48µA per comparatorwhile achieving a 120ns propagation delay.

Input bias current is typically 1.0pA, and input offset voltageis typically 0.5mV. Internal hysteresis ensures cleanoutput switching, even with slow-moving input signals.

The output stage's unique design limits supply-currentsurges while switching, virtually eliminating the supplyglitches typical of many other comparators. TheMAX987/MAX991/MAX995 have a push-pull outputstage that sinks as well as sources current. Large internaloutput drivers allow rail-to-rail output swing withloads up to 8mA. The MAX988/MAX992/MAX996 havean open-drain output stage that can be pulled beyondVCC to 6V (max) above VEE. These open-drain versionsare ideal for level translators and bipolar to single-endedconverters.

The single MAX987/MAX988 are available in tiny 5-pinSC70 packages, while the dual MAX991/MAX992 areavailable in ultra-small 8-pin SOT23 and µMAX® packages.

  • 以下关键特性由Maxim美信半导体提供:
  • 120ns Propagation Delay
  • 48µA Quiescent Supply Current
  • +2.5V to +5.5V Single-Supply Operation
  • Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Extends 250mV Beyond the Rails
  • Push-Pull Output Stage Sinks and Sources 8mA Current (MAX987/MAX991/MAX995)
  • Open-Drain Output Voltage Extends Beyond VCC (MAX988/MAX992/MAX996)
  • Unique Output Stage Reduces Output Switching Current, Minimizing Overall Power Consumption
  • 100µA Supply Current at 1MHz Switching Frequency
  • No Phase Reversal for Overdriven Inputs
  • Available in Space-Saving Packages:
  • 5-Pin SOT23 (MAX987/MAX988)
  • 8-Pin µMAX (MAX991/MAX992)
  • 热门应用
  • 数字线接收器
  • 地/电源检测
  • IR接收器
  • 电平转换器
  • 移动通信
  • 便携式电池供电系统
  • 门限检测器
  • 窗比较器
  • 过零检测器
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